lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

Pablo's journal

During the days x we must x be at home, I normally wake up at 9:30. Then I have breakfast with my brothers and parents at 9:45. Afterwards I study and I do my homework.
Later I read for 1 hour. After that,  I eat and then I play with my brothers, mostly x videogames. Sometimes, all the family plays a board game. Anything to spend quality time together. At night I have dinner and I watch x TV or play with my IPHONE.
I remember, many times, going to the school and I seeing my friends. I miss going outside, playing with the ball or riding my bike, also doing sport like handball, or swimming.
I am worried about coronavirus but I think that if all of us are at home we will win x.
See you soon, 


1 comentario:


Un petit mot de fin pour vous souhaiter de très belles choses...

Bonnes vacances à tous!! Beaucoup de bonheur dans vos vies, de réussite et de santé! Merci d'avoir été une classe formidable! J'ai...