lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

English and Natural Science tasks

Good morning, everybody!

Some of your journal entries are great! I will upload them on the blog to share. Today, more writing task: lesson 9-pg71- . Read the text and answer activity 2 and 3 in your notebook. Then complete the activities in your activity book -page 62.
Tomorrow, I want you to write another entry, this time about a special day in a holiday you enjoyed -on your computer if possible to correct it better-. Use the past tense -you can check the irregular verbs on pg 136-. You can follow the steps described in your activity book, page 64.Don't forget to send them to our email!

Natural science
Hope your experiment worked! I want you to send me, if possible, a photo or a video and a short explanation of it to correct it and uploadedd on the blog. Then, try to do a concept map about light (pg 70,71 and 72).

Good Morning Monday Have a nice week... - Saint Clair Paris | Facebook

2 comentarios:

  1. I all ready send the experiments but I forgot to do in English.
    Next sunny day I will repeat them.



Un petit mot de fin pour vous souhaiter de très belles choses...

Bonnes vacances à tous!! Beaucoup de bonheur dans vos vies, de réussite et de santé! Merci d'avoir été une classe formidable! J'ai...